Sunday, 1 June 2014

PDF⋙ VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors: Reducing mistakes & making it easier when speaking over the VHF radio by Kimberly Ann Brown

VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors: Reducing mistakes & making it easier when speaking over the VHF radio by Kimberly Ann Brown

VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors: Reducing mistakes & making it easier when speaking over the VHF radio

VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors: Reducing mistakes & making it easier when speaking over the VHF radio by Kimberly Ann Brown PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

After my husband and I decided to sell everything we own, buy a sailboat and sail around the world, I had to conquer my VHF fears. I had to overcome my anxiety of pronouncing something wrong, saying ‘over’ when I should have said ‘out’ and on a more important note; I had to learn how to use the VHF in the case of an emergency. I created VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors to help people like me to get familiar with what to say, how to say it and what to do if an emergency does occur. Filled with templates and checklists this guide will surely reduce VHF mistakes, reduce user anxiety and make speaking over the radio easier.

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VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors: Reducing mistakes & making it easier when speaking over the VHF radio by Kimberly Ann Brown Doc

VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors: Reducing mistakes & making it easier when speaking over the VHF radio by Kimberly Ann Brown Mobipocket
VHF Radio Checklists and Templates for Sailors: Reducing mistakes & making it easier when speaking over the VHF radio by Kimberly Ann Brown EPub

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