Eclipse 1919: and the general relativity theory by Gatot Soedarto
Eclipse 1919: and the general relativity theory by Gatot Soedarto PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
If Einstein's theory of general relativity was correct, then the light from stars that passed closest to the sun would show the greatest degree of bending, and the stars whose light tracks are very far from the sun have their lights not being bent or deflected. The stars whose lights are not deflected means that there is no difference between the apparent position and the true position of the stars. If being consistent with this theory, it means that all stars visible at night time are at the appearance of the stars on their true positions, because the said stars do not pass through the field of gravity. This is certainly incorrect if it is seen from the astronomical scientific point of view. The stars in the sky at night time and seen by the observers, all are stars on apparent positions, not on their true positions. Einstein ignored light refraction: astronomical refraction and terrestrial refraction, and ignored three dimensional positions of stars (celestial sphere coordinate system), when he proposed the proving method for general relativity. Einstein’s proving method via eclipse is not scientific and deeply wrong. General Relativity has been wrong since the beginning.From reader reviews:
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