Data Science Interviews Exposed by Yanping Huang, Jane You, Iris Wang, Feng Cao, Ian Gao
Data Science Interviews Exposed by Yanping Huang, Jane You, Iris Wang, Feng Cao, Ian Gao PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Data Science Interviews Exposed offers data science career advice and REAL interview questions to help you get the six-figures salary jobs! A data science job is extremely rewarding. It empowers to you make real impact in the world! And besides, it offers competitive salaries, and it develops your creative as well as quantitative skills. No wonder the data science job is rated as one of the sexist jobs in 21st century. So what you are waiting for ?- Are you still wondering how to join data science work force ?
- Are you lost in the tremendous amount of online data science courses and resources ?
- Are you endlessly searching online to find data science interview questions and answers?
- This book is written by data science professionals from Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, Google and Microsoft, with years of first hand working and interviewing experience.
- This is the first book in the industry that systematically covers everything for preparing for a data science career and interviews, and with real interview questions and detailed answers.
- This book provides both career guidance for entry level candidates as well as interview questions practice for intermediate candidates.
- Probability Theory
- Statistical Inference
- Dataset Manipulation
- Product, Metrics and Analytics
- Experiment Design
- Coding
- Machine Learning
- Brain Teasers
Here is a full list of topics:
This chapter presents an overview to the data science job market and the book organization.
Find the Right Job Roles
Get confused about the various data science job titles? This chapter provides a detailed description for each of them, the differences among them, as well as the guidance for choosing the one that suits you the most.
Find the Right Experience
Don't know how to prepare yourself with the right experience to meet the job requirements and your career goals? This chapter helps you to identify the experience you need to land your dream position. It also provides suggestions for new graduates as well as candidates from a different industry who want to transfer to data science field.
Get Ready for the Interviews
Think you have a clear goal and have possessed all the required skill sets, but just don't know how to get job interviews? This chapter walks you through how to build good resumes and professional profiles that would bring you the right exposure to the right person -- recruiters and hiring managers.
Polish Your Soft Skills
Heard of your competent peers failing job interviews and want to know why? This chapter reveals the secrets that most companies don t talk about publicly -- the soft skills. What are behavior questions, why are they important, how do you prepare for them? You will find the answer here.
Technical Interview Questions
An interview is not a pop quiz. You should take the time to practice on real interview problems and learn their patterns. This chapter lists eight major topics that are frequently covered by data science job interviews, associated with example interview questions for each of them. All of them are either real interview questions or adapted from real interview questions:
This chapter attaches the solutions and thought process for each question in the previous chapter. We hope the readers can grasp the key points behind each of them, hence be able to apply the approaches to other similar questions in the real interviews.
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