Wednesday, 6 January 2016

PDF⋙ Social Justice Hot Wives Vol. 1 & 2: Social Justice justifies infidelity by Gustav Jorgenson

Social Justice Hot Wives Vol. 1 & 2: Social Justice justifies infidelity by Gustav Jorgenson

Social Justice Hot Wives Vol. 1 & 2: Social Justice justifies infidelity

Social Justice Hot Wives Vol. 1 & 2: Social Justice justifies infidelity by Gustav Jorgenson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book contains two stories about Social Justice going astray. Vol.1: Social Justice Demands that Husband Share Wife at the Nude Beach Frank's wife Sandy likes being naked in public, so she talks him into going to a nude beach in San Francisco. When a group of young black men come along, the liberal couple must prove that they aren't racist by letting the excited youths ogle Sandy's naked body. Pretty soon the clever young men use the logic of Social Justice and Political Correctness to seduce Sandy right in front of her husband. After all, it would be racist to refuse them. Vol.2: My Wife Became a Social Justice Sex Worker I didn't think much of it when my wife started counselling sex workers in San Francisco, but when I lost my job and we were about to lose our house, my wife started considering some inappropriate employment options.

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